Jonathan's Age

Diana's Age

Sunday, July 8, 2012

On the Road Again

We woke the kids up bright and early this morning, 4:30 eastern time, to get back on the road again.  We weren't even 10 minutes into the drive and Jonathan had to go fault for not making him go before we left but he was so sleepy.  Diana finally fell asleep at 5:30 and slept until 7.  Jonathan finally fell asleep at 6:30, after I told him that if he slept we would stop and get donuts.  At 7:10 he woke up and said "Where is the donut?"  The kid doesn't forget a thing!  At 9 am we made our first stop to get gas and donuts.  Diana took another nap around 9:30 for about an hour.  Jonathan played on the iPad a lot, as I had downloaded him a bunch of new aps that he was really enjoying.  Around noon when we were downtown Chicago, Jonathan was watching the movie "Cars."  He was cheering and making comments and Brad didn't realize that Jonathan was watching a movie so he thought Jonathan was cheering for his driving.  It was so funny I was in tears.  At 1:30 we made our 2nd stop of the day, mainly for gas and a potty break.  Brad timed us this time, 13 minutes.  Not bad!  Diana took another nap right after that stop and slept for about an hour.  The kids then played with a bunch of toys and read lots of books.  With only about an hour left of our drive, we had to stop for the 3rd time as Jonathan had to go potty.  We pulled into our driveway at 5:30, which included stopping off to pick up a pizza.  Brad and I were both amazed at how well the kids were in the car.  Remarkable really.  Jonathan even said "That wasn't so bad.  I could do that again sometime."

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